After a long wait for the end of "punishment" of the domain Co.Cc, my friend now all users can breathe a sigh of relief Co.Cc because Google has banned the release status
As in what we know, around late June or early July 2011 and then, domain name as well as all who have its main office to the web domain Google banned because of the many cases of phishing, malware, spam and scam who carried out by a web / blog parent domain Lots of response to the core who regretted Google's decision because not all sites in is a web / blogs predicated bad. Many of them are sites berpage-quality & high rank.
Now, my friend all can again enjoy a free domain at service without worrying about empty of visitors & traffic because Google indexed domain again. index Having traced to the youngest page, all the blogs / web berdomain been bobbed. So, in summary, several million blogs / web berdomain who had been de-indexed from Google (removed from Google's index), or blog / web new freehand after Google banned, has now been on the index page Google, though not all (especially who had just made, shall perform the optimization by speeding up its Google index).
Be happy my friend who had felt upset & sad that only the best free domain name service is now back in our midst as normal. Now PR is to increase the SEO-buddy again.
What is the advantage There may be many questions, especially for my friend who has not been acquainted with the self domain. Domains like com, net, org, info, etc. are the domain of self. Self domain allows us to customize the blog's name and remove it from the domain frills blog platform, for example:,, etc. become / net / org / etc. But it would have to cost lease / purchase the domain. While many of my friend may feel pity if having to spend money for a new start on learning. For my friend who never use the self / personal domain, please try
Compared dot.TK, does not require any kind, such as minimal visitors per month. While too strict, many requirements and the domain can be taken over / on-delete without notice. Once I have a domain dot.TK, but suddenly taken over without any cause-musababnya information. Though already PR 5.
To learn to create a domain and setting, I think is perfect, because it does not require any fee and have full control settings. Please immediately headed
But if my friend wanted to look professional at the same time, please move paid domain such as com, net, org, info, etc..
If interested, please continue to follow updates from the, because in the future I will share how to create & switch domains as well as handle all settings, including managed DNS, name servers, DNS hosting, create a redirect, and create personalized emails, both in Co.Cc domain hosting and other services.
Keep your blogging spirit alive!
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