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How To know Who Unfriends You On Facebook

 who unfriends you on facebook
©MonZaeMon™ 69 - Facebook, how could anyone resist this name? Well, Facebook has become literally a “need” when it comes to connecting with so many people like relatives, friends and acquaintances. In fact, in average, Facebook users have at least about 350 Facebook friends. Now, many people are asking how can they see who “unfriended” them.

It might sound very silly and childish to even bother knowing who unfriends you in Facebook. But for most people, this matter is not a thing that should be disregarded. Well, there can be several reasons why one should check out which among your Facebook friends removed you from their friend list.
• To know who’s really not your friend. Literally, a person who unfriends you in Facebook might not know you personally. Facebook users have become pickier when it comes to adding friends and they do their best to add people that they really know personally.
• To know why the unfriend happened. Once you discover who unfriended you, you can do the initiative to approach or ask the person why he/she unfriended you. This might help preventing issues between you and your ex-friends.
Now, these are the possible reasons why you should get to know, at least, how to know who unfriended you in Facebook. But how is this done in the first place?
Long-Method Option

This long-method option requires your profile to be in the Timeline version. Well, most people do not appreciate the Facebook Timeline that much but perhaps this is the time that you would. This is how it you do it:
Go to your Facebook Timeline profile > Choose a Year (e.g. 2010) > Look for the “Friends” box (this is a box where you will see all the friends who connected to you on that year) > Click the “XX New Friends” link > your Facebook friends in the list who has an “Add Friend” option means they have “unfriended” you already.
This is how you do it the long-way. But that does not seem that long, right? We just wish that Facebook won’t be seeing it just yet. So, it is better to try this out ASAP.
Shortcut Method (Plugins)

Fortunately, there are easy ways to do this. This will require you to use certain Facebook friends plugins that are available in the web these days.
• FFChecker – Facebook Friend Checker (FFchecker) is a Google Chrome extension which allows a person to monitor his/her friends in Facebook. This extension checks your Facebook profile of whom among your friends unfriend you. A message stating the the friend and the link to his/her profile will be displayed once this plugin detects the “unfriending.”
• Unfriend Finder – this is a plugin made by Edouard Gatouillat. This plugin monitors your friend list and displays who among your Facebook friends disappeared in the list since your last log in.
Knowing who unfriended you in Facebook may pose several benefits. Unfriending in Facebook is already getting more rampant. So, knowing how to find out of whom among your friends “unfriend” you might be a handy skill to have.

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