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Facebook Special Big Emoticons

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ - If you REALLY like a post from your friend than you need really big like to show how much you like it. Paste this code to Facebook comment to post this like from the image.

Big Like Facebook Art
Code for entering into the comment field:

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)
(Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: :42: :42: (Y)
(Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y)
(Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y) :42: (Y) :42: :42: (Y) (Y) :42: :42: (Y) (Y)
(Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) (Y) (Y)
(Y) :42: :42: :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: (Y) :42: :42: :42: (Y)
(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y)

Comment your friends with this huge robotic heart.

 Big Heart Emoticon Art
To write this art into comment just copy and paste this code:
:|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|]
:|] :|] <3 <3 <3 :|] :|] <3 <3 <3 :|] :|]
:|] <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :|]
:|] <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :|]
:|] <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :|]
:|] :|] <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :|] :|]
:|] :|] :|] <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :|] :|] :|]
:|] :|] :|] :|] <3 <3 <3 <3 :|] :|] :|] :|]
:|] :|] :|] :|] :|] <3 <3 :|] :|] :|] :|] :|]
:|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] :|] 

As you all already know there is a small shark emoticon with the code (^^^) . Now we have created a big shark using emoticon art technique, it looks like on the picture:
Shark Emoticon Art
Here’s the code for posting this big shark to Facebook comments and chat (doesn’t work on statuses yet, hopefully it will someday):

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O :O <(") <(") :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O <(") <(") <(") <(") :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O <(") <(") <(") <(") <(") <(") :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O <(") <(") <(") (^^^) (^^^) <(") <(") <(") :O :O :O
:O :O :O <(") <(") (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) <(") <(") :O :O :O
:O :O <(") <(") (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) <(") <(") :O :O
:O :O <(") (^^^) (^^^) :42: :42: :42: :42: (^^^) (^^^) <(") :O :O
:O :O <(") (^^^) :42: :42: :42: :42: :42: :42: (^^^) <(") :O :O
:O :O <(") (^^^) :42: (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) :42: (^^^) <(") :O :O
:O :O <(") (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) (^^^) <(") :O :O


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